What kind of care do I need? Use our online care options tool to help you decide what kind of care you need.
Quality, affordable care
Since 2021 we’ve remained a family-owned care provider, trusted by thousands of individuals to deliver reliable, high-quality care every day. Our fully-managed service covers a range of care options, from residential care to tailored support at home.
Our purpose is to build a healthier nation. Here, everyone shares a passion for doing the right thing – for our patients, our customers, our members and each other.
None of it would be achievable without that heartfelt desire to make a difference. Whether that difference is to help save a patient’s life, or to become a better health and wellbeing expert – at Nuffield Health, we provide the culture and support for you to do it all.
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Fitness and Wellbeing Centres and 153 Workplace Wellbeing Services
Trial period
All-inclusive fee
Designated care advisor
No lengthy contracts
24 hours starts (inc weekends)
Find out morePerson centred, flexible care
Immediate and emergency starts
No lengthy contracts
Designated care advisor
Trial period
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No lengthy contracts
Person centred, flexible care
No seasonal surcharges
Designated care advisor
Find out moreImmediate and emergency starts
Person centred, flexible care
Teial period
Designated care advisor
No lengthy contracts
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